Sunday, March 14, 2010

I project opening of the public information | open it dates euskadi

open it dates euskadi On December 29, the Council of the Basque Government reached an agreement to give beginning to the project of opening of the public information, (alias "open it dates euskadi"). This way, the maximum leadership is guaranteed at the time of being develop a project that it affects in some measurement to all the Departments. Even more, the proper lehendakari wanted to emphasize it in his speech of beginning of the course 2010, January 14.

The Basque Government commits itself to an effective opening of the public information that act in his power, understanding like publics all that information not subject to restrictions of privacy, safety or property. The disposition of sets of information in reusable formats will be realized in a tidy way and following priority criteria. The sets of information will be offered under open licenses of property, which allow his redistribution, his recycling and his use with commercial ends.

This has been a very important step from the point of view of the management of the change. Now it touches the work really. Our Direction of Civil Attention is who has assigned the function to carry out it. To obtain it, we will need the internal collaboration and the civil participation, especially of the sector infomediario, with that we are maintaining contact.

The project is initiated and, at the moment, we are concentrating in inventorying sets of information capable of being offered as open it dates, and in documenting his characteristics. To the time, we have begun the work of creation of a portal inside

I would like to explain a little what is the orientation that we are giving to this project, especially after the enigmatic mention that did the cybercountry of this Wednesday to us.

They are emerging two models of opening of public information:

The model Kundra puts the focus in liberating sets of information, in any format that is minimally structured, while the model Berners-Lee does a supplementary effort to contribute to the linked byline of the semantic web. Our model wants to be pragmatic: we begin the Obama, liberating information to the biggest possible briefness, at the time that we try to pass to be able to evolve towards a model nearer to the semantic web.

We are creating a participation space for the one who wants to contribute to the development of this project. For it, we have joined the "Basque community of innovators", the platform of open innovation of Innobasque, in which Basque Government has opened a channel, with certain integration in the portal Irekia of Open Government (it is opened on January 25).

At the moment, it is in the state less than beta, but you will be welcome, although it is possible that in the first week you notice serious imbalances. The vulgar logotype that this post illustrates I have done myself in a ratillo. Better proposals are admitted. This is not a restaurant, but a txoko and who come first help to put the table :-)

A small conquest: the Eustat, Institute Vasco de Estadística, has modified his legal notice, to make it compatible with the recycling of his information. He says, for example:

One of the principal targets of the web site is of coming to the biggest number of users and official statistics facilitates the access to information in the minor possible time. In this context, Eustat authorizes to that the information is re-spread to other users whenever the source is quoted: "Source: Web site of Eustat:”

If you dress the cache memory, perhaps you still will find this paragraph, which has been already suppressed:

There remains on the other hand prohibited the copy or reproduction of the information in any computer support (networks, databases or electronic publications), which allows the availability of this information to multiple users, without the assent previous in writing to Eustat.

Congratulations to the Eustat, and memories to Xavier Badosa who takes time fighting for the statistical data opening.

I am useful to congratulate also the Britons and the Asturians, who have already done the duties, to w3c that has taken them of the hand and, much especially, to the friend Josema Alonso.

Next, I leave to you the finished text of the agreement of the Council of Basque Government, which I believe you will find very interesting and, next, the audio of an interview that they did to me in Bilbao WAS this Christmas, between Blue Tejerina and Loretahur.

I agree Basque Government opening public information

Open Data in the Basque Government with Alberto Ortíz de Zárate

To go to discharge


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