Tuesday, March 16, 2010

[balance '09] euskadi.net | web service of the Basque Government

euskadi.net logo The motto of euskadi.net is "the portal of the Basque Administrations". A somewhat vague definition, for my taste, so, at the moment, we will remain with the idea of that euskadi.net is more enough than "the portal of Basque Government", and includes autonomous organisms, public societies, public entities and other public institutions not belonging to the Administration of the CAPV.

The model of presence of the Basque Government in Internet was raised to norm status by the Decree 108/2004. The management of the portals and of the contents of euskadi.net is decentralized: every portal has his targets and his responsible persons. All the portals share the technological platform, a common image and a scheme of cataloging that allows to share and re-use contents and visual areas between portals.

The first reflection on euskadi.net is that he has had left the suit of 2004 narrow. Some of the expectations that caused it have been demonstrated excessively and, meanwhile, Internet has given a draft towards the social web. Therefore, euskadi.net it must re-discover his model. Meanwhile, we must be capable of managing the enthusiasm: there are arising numerous initiatives that do not fit easily in our current model. It would be an error deternerlas, and also it would be an error to look for another part and not to learn of them.

Our Direction of Civil Attention, across the web service, guarantees the integration and contents compatibility, as well as a minimal homogeneity grade between the portals, which allows the resources use for the sake of his common use for all the agents of the system. A way of explaining it that is to say that the team of web agents is the internal consultants of euskadi.net, that they look over the health of the model of presence, they help the agents of every portal and introduce innovation in the system.

The function has been defined this way:

The direction, organization, coordination and supervision of the model of presence of the Public administration of the Autonomous region of Basque Country in Internet, in accordance with the established in the Decree 108/2004, of June 8.

There are another two functions of the Direction of Civil Attention that will have to be redeemed principally by the Web Service:

The putting at public disposal, for his recycling, of the information elaborated or guarded by the Administrations and organisms of the public sector according to the Law 37/2007, of November 16, on recycling of the information of the public sector.

The evolution of the environment of intranet towards a model colaborativo that gives support to the internal communication, the work in team, the shared knowledge and learning organizacional.

Balance of 2009

In 2009, the web service has had a frantic activity. There were many idle projects that wanted to go out forward. In many cases, my only merit as the director has been to separate not to bother the march of my people. I clarify that in "my people" I include 11 persons of the service and also to the team of support of EJIE, which work with many closeness to us.

To complete and to enrich the presence model in intranet

Our presence Decree in Internet is of June 8, 2004. My appointment as the director is exactly the same date, but five years later. Nevertheless, there stay elements of the Model that they have not gone so far as to complete.

In this semester we have integrated in euskadi.net portals that were out, how it was the case of Euskal Trenbide Sarea. In next dates we will have just integrated in next dates others, as those of Etxebide or Osalan... We have created, also, thematic portals of transverse character to the Departments, as it is the case of that of the Electronic Public Hiring. Other already existing portals have been re-designed. For example, the emergency subhome.

Another work line is to extract to the light contained till now managed in specific applications, as it is the case of the meteorological forecasts of Euskalmet, with the target to serve them in a more agile and robust way, at the time that they benefit from the global system of euskadi.net: enriched searches, recycling of contents from any portal of the network, generation of feeds RSS...

To improve the way of serving the information

One of the elements that more fill with pride us is the searcher of euskadi.net. Not only it is a powerful tool that dives in the most recondite documents, but every day is more a help that simplifies the navigation. We say that we are overcoming the phase of the searches to enter a stage of encontrabilidad, of delivery of information without need her to go to look.

The geographical data are especially excellent. We are taking part in the project GeoEuskadi, for which we wait allow the geolocalización to be a tag for defect in our information. We move forward to you that byline has incorporated into the project the perspective of open and of open licenses.

Another line has to do with the different visualization supports. We have set in marches pilots of visualization of portals of euskadi.net in interactive TDT and in mobile phones and we are going to begin already same with a project of locutación of the web for deaf persons.

Between the progress in usabilidad already realized, he emphasizes the way of presenting the set of on-line steps of the Basque Government. Shortly, we will be provided with a new staff of helps that will improve substantially the service most demanded by our citizenship.

You improve in the technological infrastructure

I will not bore you with details in this paragraph. Simply I will say that progress and new versions have been obtained in the infrastructure of management of contents, in the agent of axes of cataloging and in the agent of portals.

Management model

Although 2010 will be, undoubtedly, the year of the management, it is necessary to emphasize some results of 2009. One is the beginning of the systematical one of analytical web, with advanced use of Google Analytics.

They have been passed towards a model of management of the network of portals and towards the model of management (of processes and projects) of the proper web service.

Work lines for 2010

Although we will have to keep on being employed at many of the lines initiated in 2009, we hope that 2010 should be the year of the innovation in euskadi.net.

To assure an excellent quality in the information supply

During 2010 we want to affect on the quality in the information supply and, for it, we will realize a study of progress of each of the types of content that we offer. The idea is to have staff that make simpler to provide rich contents, usables and accessible.

This year we are going to adapt our requisites to those of the current version of the international norms of accessibility in the web (WCAG 2.0). Like result, we will raise progress in the publication of the different types of content and in the hardware of publication.

Also, we will present progress to improve the usabilidad of our web sites, to assure the reliability of the given information, to simplify the searches and to provide interesting, excellent and clear contents.

To incorporate bidireccionalidad to the information and the services

Beyond the mere information supply, we try to incorporate a bidirectional component into the information and the services. More important than the technological solution that we adopt, it will be to present a model of management of the web interaction between citizenship and Administration and to achieve that it is adopted of wide form in our Administration.

Between the due measurements there are the incorporation of hardware of the social web and the starting of elements colaborativos that allow that the information and the proper rendering of service to be cogenerated by the users. Finally, our intention is to make to evolve euskadi.net towards a conversational model, in which the contents could be commented and re-used.

The project Irekia, led by Nagore of the Rivers in Presidency, will be key to experiment and to be defining the laws of the game. Other initiatives as Kulturklik, the interactive portal of the Basque culture (round there the friend Txetxu Barandiarán breathes heavily) walk in the same direction. In Health and in Education other initiatives of big interest are growing. Decisively, 2010 is going to be an exciting year.

Opening of public information

Finally, in 2010 we will give the first steps for the opening and putting at the disposal of the citizenship of the public information in power of the Administration, in observance of the law 37/2007 of recycling of the information of the public sector.

Precisely, the Council of Government has reached an agreement for which the starting of the project is ordained. Both the lehendakari Patxi López and Idoia Mendia, Adviser of Justice and Public administration, have expressed publicly his support to this project. It is not a leadership what is going to be missing. And, on the other hand, the sector infomediario Basque is helping to give form to this project.

Work platform colaborativo

We do not know if we need "a piece of news intranet". What we know insurance the fact is that we need to provide to ourselves with a work platform colaborativo that promotes the horizontal and transverse work, which allows the collaboration between professionals of different services and even of different organizations. And this platform will have to have open areas, in which innovation takes place in collaboration with the society.

During 2010 we hope to realize well our model and, perhaps, to be able to go out with some pilot experience. Just in case, I have underlined the book “The treball cabbage • laboratiu to l'Administració(PDF), where our friends of the program Compartim have systematized his good one to do of these years.

Gait towards the web funkziona!

Often we have said that the public workpeople are "funcionatas Office", whose literacy TIC is summed up in the 4 most popular MS-Office applications. We need that many of them are capable of communicating in web environment. There is a new scale of skills to be acquired.

Perhaps the first step is to improve the experience of current user. Our edition hardware is any thing less commodes, less agreeable, less attractive. We must provide an environment of work where to create a contenbido is easy and recompensante.

To obtain some result in this direction, we must create the state of favorable opinion, starting by the same public positions. Between the initiatives already in march, he emphasizes the beginning of a program of conferences in matters of general interest, that we begin in due time with Genís Roca, and that we hope to continue with Jordi Graells... and enclosed with some non-Catalans :-)

As aperitif, almost two hours of conference with which Genís enchanted us.

The Plan of Innovation in the Public Services

The described work lines in 2010 are advances of what will constitute a Plan of Innovation in the Public Services, which will assemble the lines of innovation of the Directions of:

  • Public innovation and Electronic Administration (Iñaki Ortiz)
  • Computer science and Telecommunications (Txema García Orois)
  • Civil attention (a servant)

Obviously, I still do not know the content of a plan which writing we claim that it is colaborativa. I offer you, in return, a preliminary reflection in format video about the challenges that it has to face euskadi.net as regards the resounding arrival of the social web, in the frame of the internal workshop that we organize on October 20.

Challenges for Euskadi.net: to coordinate the enthusiasm from Berrikuntza Publikoa on Vimeo.

Challenges for Euskadi.net: to coordinate the enthusiasm

View resides presentations from Berrikuntza Publikoa.


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